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Hanuman temple

Muslims perform qawwali at the Hanuman Mandir, Tarsali, in September 2018
From: September 6, 2018: The Times of India

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Muslims perform qawwali at the Hanuman Mandir, Tarsali, in September 2018

Qawwals perform the Saturday prayers at a Hanuman temple in Tarsali of Gujarat. Every year during the holy month of Shravan, the temple reverberates with chants of the Hanuman Chalisa. But on Saturdays, qawwali is performed by a Muslim group for two hours. The temple is located by a lake and both Hindus and Muslims offer prayers here every Saturday as well as donate to the trust. Muslims also chant the Hanuman Chalisa, and about 500 of the 3,000 regular visitors are Muslims, a temple trust member said

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