VH Dalmia
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January 17, 2019: The Times of India

From: January 17, 2019: The Times of India
Vishnu Hari Dalmia was the former president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and a well-known industrialist.
Vishnuji, as he was referred to by his colleagues and political associates, was the eldest son of Jaidayal Dalmia, the founder of Dalmia Bharat group. However, he acquired a bigger profile outside business circles because of his close involvement with the campaign for construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya.
He served VHP in various capacities, including as its international president for 13 years, beginning 1992. During the tumultuous phase leading up to the demolition of the Babri Masjid, he, along with Ashok Singhal, Acha-rya Giriraj Kishore and a few others became the face of the Mandir movement, one of the biggest mass mobilisations post-independence.
“An exponent of Hindu culture, Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia was instrumental in giving a befitting renovation to Sri Krishna Janmasthan temples along with his father Jai Dayal Dalmia,” Kapil Sharma, secretary of Sri Krishna Janmasthan Seva Sansthan said. He had also served as ‘Prabandh Nyasi’ (managing trustee) of Sri Krishna Janmasthan Mathura, Sharma said.
Dalmia had not only established a gaushala in the precincts of Sri Krishna Janmasthan Mathura, but also helped Brijbhumi and other district-based cow shelters, Sharma said.
In the realm of business, he led Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd from 1981 to 1986. “The group saw multifold growth under his leadership. He was a source of guidance and inspiration to the entire group,” the Dalmia group said in a statement.