TREES PLANTED TILL 04th Sep. 2024 8,03,948

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  • Sumant Dhamija
  • Suneela Khosla
  • Deepak Nirula
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Carbon Credits (CC's) and tree planting

The release of carbon from burning fossil fuels is one of the main contributors to green house gas emissions and consequent impact on climate and the ecology of the planet. Agreements like the Kyoto Protocol attempt to cap the amount of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) and other gasses that are being released by signatory countries.
The Kyoto Protocol established the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which validates and measures projects to ensure they produce authentic benefits and are genuinely 'additional' activities that would not otherwise have been undertaken. Carbon Credits are given for such activities. One CC represents the equivalent of removal of one ton of carbon from the atmosphere through any of the six primary categories of greenhouse gases- Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), and S ulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The measurement is done in terms of CO2 or CO2 equivalent of these gasses.

Planting trees is one such activity as trees(and plants) store carbon from the air in their leaves, branches and roots. There are strict guidelines for obtaining CC's and usually only trees planted in a linear method are eligible.
One of the trees that enables CC's is Neem. With a thick foliage canopy and a very high leaf surface area, it provides a good option for maximum CO2 fixation and provides a shield against other pollution components as well particularly SO2 and even lead.

Any forest/plantation that is regenerated/planted from 1990 are eligible for CC's. The age of the tree, height, canopy coverage are taken into account while calculating CC's. CC's are tradable on special carbon exchanges. For further information you may go the following websites- and for the CDM benefits and the species for which the CDM benefits can be availed. The telephone number of the Ministry of Forests is 011- 24364642- Attention Shri Subrata Bose; email